DTS – Discipleship Training School

The DTS offers 12 weeks of lecture phase and 10 weeks of practical outreach impacting our community and the world around us!

Partnering with Local Churches

Serving and training churches to increase discipleship among the nations!
We partner with many local churches and youth groups to serve and support in many ways including; Leading Worship, Leading Youth Groups, serving in Youth Groups, organizing mobile church set up, giving testimonies, preaching, and more!

Hosting Teams

Looking for a great city to bring a team and serve? Come to Georgia! 

We host many teams each year and have lots of opportunities for you to get involved with!

Reaching out to Muslim people groups

Reaching out to Muslim people groups through kids clubs, relationship building…

Since Georgia is surrounded by Muslim countries, and many people from these countries live here in Georgia, we have a great opportunity to reach out to Muslim people through kids clubs, relationship building, practical projects, handicraft development, and in many other ways.  Do you have  a heart for Muslims?  Come join us!

Kurdish Center

One often overlooked people groups on Georgia are the Kurdish people.  The Kurds are the largest people group in the world without their own geographical nation. The are spread out mostly over the Middle East but also Central Asia, Eastern Europe and right here in the Caucasus!  In Georgia there are thousands of them!

Some of our key staff members are actually themselves Kurdish and they make it their aim to reach out to the Kurdish community here in Georgia and to the nations around us.

This is one of our most active programs with several outreaches happening each week.  Recently we have acquired a new property to be used as a “Kurdish Center”.

When visiting Tbilisi often you will encounter “street kids”, most of these are actually Kurdish children and not actually gypsies as many think they are.  We also partner with a local street kids center to reach out to these desperately needy children.